Jennifer Seaman

Jennifer Seaman

University of Pittsburgh

Ensuring Timely Interdisciplinary Family Meetings in the ICU; Development and Testing of a Nurse-led Intervention

In this project I will develop a scalable, nurse-led, team-based intervention to ensure the conduct of timely interdisciplinary family meetings and pilot test the intervention for feasibility and acceptability in three diverse ICUs.

“My drive to improve the care of critically-ill ICU patients comes from my years of experience in the ICU setting. Patients I cared for often required mechanical ventilation and experienced physical restraint and sedation. I realized I lacked the tools to adequately communicate with them and assess their pain. Furthermore, I observed the confusion and distress of families as they sought to make difficult decisions about the care of their loved ones, and I was unsure how best to support them. During this time I was also introduced to clinicians in the emergent field of palliative care. I was able to observe first-hand the impact that palliative care practice could have on multiple domains of the patient and family experience, particularly for patients at end-of-life, and I wondered why all clinicians could not be trained in these skills. I am a nurse scientist committed to becoming a leader in the field of primary palliative care—improving care for all critically-ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients and their families by equipping ICU clinicians to integrate palliative care principles and practices into routine bedside care.”